The Construction Center

Do you own a firm in the construction industry? Are you looking to expand the scope of your business? Our Construction Center can help you build your firm from the ground up.
The Construction Center at The Enterprise Center
Our Construction Center supports minority and women-owned firms in the construction, professional services, construction management, and janitorial trades. Per the 2016 Census, only an estimated 6.9% of Philadelphia construction firms are minority-owned. To address this disparity, the Construction Center was formed in April 2016 to provide minority firms with greater access to public and private sector projects in Philadelphia.
Our past presenters have included PGW, the City of Philadelphia, Wells Fargo, PA Turnpike, INTECH, Rebuild Philadelphia, and local universities and developers. Past events have featured workshops on estimating, responding to Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from potential clients, and workers’ compensation.
Think that our Construction Center might be a good fit for you? Fill out our application and we will be in touch!