M/W/DSBE Recertification


Recertification Process

Businesses M/W/DSBE-certified by The Enterprise Center are eligible for recertification through The Enterprise Center.  

  • The certification expiration date is 1 year after receiving the certification. Regardless of when the recertification is complete, your annual renewal date will never change.
  • The application for recertification can be submitted 120 days before the certification expires. It is highly encouraged to start the re-certification process early.
  • As part of the recertification process, every three years a site visit of your business will be conducted. The fees for recertification are the same as the fees for a new application.
  • After 6 months of lapsed certification, a business will be required to reapply as a new applicant.

Apply for Recertification Here

(Do NOT use this link for first-time certification.)