When business loans aren’t enough to make your vision a reality, equity investment is a flexible alternative. With MBE Equity Multiplier, you will master the ins and outs of the equity investment process, which will include: Developing investment packages, Reviewing what investors seek in financials and pitch decks, Understanding timing and requirements (including legal) in the investment cycle, Connecting with investors once your business is ready.
Our Centers
Are you a business located in New Jersey? Are you established and ready to grow?
With New Jersey MBDA Business Center, we help connect you to: Individualized strategic business planning, Staffing, Organizational structure consulting, General business advising, Referrals to capital, Referrals to procurement opportunities.
Are you a business located in Pennsylvania? Are you established and ready to grow?
With the Pennsylvania MBDA Business Center, our business advisors offer extensive experience in: Commercial lending, banking and utilizing SBA Loans, Financial and general finance counseling, Credit and risk analysis, Securing working capital, Preparing loan packages.
SBTRCs serve as the regional offices of the U.S. DOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), providing service throughout the nation. The Mid-Atlantic SBTRC covers Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware. Our mission is to increase the ability of small businesses in the transportation industry to compete for and receive transportation contracts at the local, state, and federal levels.
The Camden Cares Business Center is a small business assistance program to address the needs of Camden small businesses that have been impacted by COVID. The Enterprise Center of New Jersey and the City of Camden have committed to implementing compelling and innovative strategies to strengthen your small business in Camden, New Jersey. The focus of this partnership is dedicated to providing resources on COVID relief and compliance, as well as business advisory services.
Need help with your established or start-up culinary business? At the Dorrance H. Hamilton Center for Culinary Enterprises (CCE), we step up to the plate and provide you with the tools you need to succeed. CCE Commercial Kitchen spaces and facilities are available for members - if you are interested in taking advantage of The Enterprise Center’s proven successes and systems, we welcome the opportunity to add value to your burgeoning business.
Our Construction Center supports minority and women-owned firms in the construction, professional services, construction management, and janitorial trades. Per the 2016 Census, only an estimated 6.9% of Philadelphia construction firms are minority-owned. To address this disparity, the Construction Center was formed in April 2016 to provide minority firms with greater access to public and private sector projects in Philadelphia.
Our Centers
- Overview
- DBiz Virtual Business Center
- MBE Equity Multiplier
- NJ Minority Business Development Agency Business Center
- PA Minority Business Development Agency Business Center
- US-DOT Mid-Atlantic Small Business Transportation Resource Center
- The Business Opportunity Center
- Camden Cares Business Center
- Center for Culinary Enterprises Commercial Kitchen
- The Construction Center
Your donation will impact 1300 growing minority-owned businesses across Philadelphia.