Camfred Construction

Chris Young, owner of Camfred Construction believes in the power of the grind and making the most of what one has. In his words, his journey has been “so far, so good.”
Previously, Chris worked as a management consultant for the pharmacy, biotech and healthcare industries. His positions required constant travel, and he found himself on the road almost 80% of his career. After his son was born, Chris decided he wanted to make some changes to his career so that he could stay closer to home. Initially, he took on a local management consulting job at a startup, but still, he wanted to do more. An educational background in computer engineering and job experience as a consultant laid the groundwork for Chris’s natural progression into the construction field.
Chris’s past internship at Johnson & Johnson provided mentorship, a view into the consultation world, and an introduction to the satisfaction of a completed construction project. He, with a few of his lifelong friends, had discussed starting their own construction business to work in the private sector, such as commercial and retail spaces, and in 2018 they decided to take the plunge and establish Camfred Construction. By combining their skills and leveraging existing connections, Chris and his partners established a client base who can attest to Camfred Construction’s high-quality work. As his business grew, Chris sought out MBE certification in Philadelphia, and was directed to The Enterprise Center (TEC) and their Pennsylvania MBDA Business Center. Chris has appreciated the compassion and expertise of TEC staff who have helped accelerate the growth of key business relationships. Over the past couple of years, Chris and his team have worked diligently to rebuild contacts and overcome obstacles such as the global pandemic and rising interest rates. Their efforts have resulted in Camfred Construction becoming a multi-million-dollar company, with a diverse team composed of 20% minorities.
The Pennsylvania MBDA Business Center team continues to be a resource for Chris, updating him with local projects and networking opportunities. The Pennsylvania MBDA Business Center provides their expansive resource bank and network to their clients, tailored to their specific needs and stage of development. Engaging with The Enterprise Center and Pennsylvania MBDA Business Center team has played a key part in Camfred Construction’s goals for the future: to establish sustainable operations and create a collaborative and passionate workforce.