Wayne Township Water Meter Replacement Project ADDENDUM #1
This Addendum forms a part of the Request for Quotes (RFQ) and modifies the original RFP, dated February 18, 2025, as noted below. All proposers must sign and return the attached Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addendum. Acknowledgement of Receipt is required to ensure consideration of the proposal. Failure to do so may subject the proposer to disqualification.
This Addendum consists of the following items:
1. Question: Does the work involve replacing any of the inside water meters, or is it only to install new water meters outside in pits?
Answer: The project scope does not include replacing any inside water meters. The work is limited to installing new water meters in pits by the street curbs.
2. Question: Does the work involve removing the existing meters that are inside homes, or are all project efforts outside of homes?
Answer: Removal of the existing meters that are inside homes may be included in the quote, but Township employees may do the work if it is not extensive.
3. Question: Has Wayne Township done a lead service-line survey?
Answer: Yes, Wayne Township completed a lead service-line survey. There are no lead or galvanized service pipes at the homes involved in this project.
4. Question: Will the company that is awarded the engineering contract be required to follow MBE/WBE guidelines?
Answer: The CDBG Grantee, Mifflin County, is following all MBE/WBE requirements associated with this request for quotes (RFQ) for engineering/architectural services. If a business that responds to this request plans to sub-contract or purchase supplies for the project with a contract value of $25,000 or more, then MBE/WBE solicitation requirements will apply to that effort.
Additionally, when the project is going out to bid, the engineering/architectural company, on behalf of Mifflin County, will be required to solicit MBE/WBE construction contractors and supplies for all contracts with a value of $25,000 or more.