Sweet Nina’s, a long-serving client of the Center for Culinary Enterprises, is getting a permanent home at Reading Terminal Market

Reading Terminal Market is never stagnant. It’s a constant swirl of activity, with new merchants preparing to open while existing ones renovate. Stalls grow and shrink. Closings, meanwhile, are comparatively few.
“We call it Tetris,” said Annie Allman, the market’s general manager, with a giggle.
At this stage of the pandemic, more merchants are on the way and expansions are planned.
Nina Bryan, a longtime caterer (her side gig while working as a corporate trainer for Colonial Penn Insurance), started selling banana pudding in the market in late 2017 from a day stall. She quickly built the business and picked up a permanent stand across the aisle. This summer, she will move back to join Kismet and Butcher’s Pantry. The move also means she will expand her line to include banana pudding cakes and eventually quiche.
Author: Michael Klein, April 18, 2022 || Photo by Tyger Williams