RFP Number: P-005174 Utility Allowance Services

The Philadelphia Housing Authority (“PHA” or the “Authority”) is hereby requesting proposals for:

Utility Allowance Services

The Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA or Authority) is organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to develop, acquire, lease and operate low-rent housing programs. The PHA is the largest housing agency in the Commonwealth and the fourth largest in the nation. The Authority has approximately 81,000 residents in 34 conventional developments, and about 5,000 scattered site units. Additionally, PHA currently administers over 16,000 Housing Choice Vouchers. PHA has an annual budget of approximately $371 million, which is primarily funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Offerors must submit one (1) original hard copy including the required bid forms via Bonfire Sourcing System (Link is below). The bid shall be must be uploaded to the link below - “Solicitation No. P-005174, entitled Utility Allowance Services, Not To Be Open Until 11:00 AM, Wednesday, December 28, 2022.” The bidder shall be responsible to submit bid responses via Bonfire https://pha.bonfirehub.com/projects/80547/details. no later than 11:00 A.M. on proposal due date indicated above. Late proposals will not be considered. BIDS SUBMITTED VIA ELECTRONICALLY through the link provided above.


Requests for additional information should be directed to the Contracting Officer’s representative, James B. Davis Manager - Sourcing - Procurement, Philadelphia Housing Authority, 2013 Ridge Avnue, Philadelphia, PA 19121, (215) 684-8313, Fax (215) 684-4092. E-mail: James.Davis@pha.phila.gov. Note that inquiries received later than seven (7) days before receipt of proposals may not receive a response.

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