CDBG – Removal of Eight (8) Blighted Structures on PennBid
The Borough of Berwick is accepting bids for the CDBG – Removal of Eight (8) Blighted Structures on PennBid at
and at the office of the Project Engineer, Peters Consultants, Inc., 2701 Columbia Boulevard, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 until 11:00 A.M. local time on February 27, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Hardcopies of the bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes marked on the outside “Sealed Bid for CDBG – Removal of Eight (8) Blighted Structures”. The properties are located in the Borough of Berwick at eight different locations: A. 318 East Sixteenth Street, B. 542 East Ninth Street, C. 235 East Second Street, D. 617-619 Mulberry Street, E. 433 East Fifth Street, F. 210 North Orchard Street, G. 108-110 North Orchard Street and H. 907 Rear Arch Street in the Borough of Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining and paying for any required permits. Each property proposed for demolition will be bid separately and may be awarded to different Contractors. The Work comprises the demolition of all structures, sheds, other ancillary property structures, rubbish, asbestos abatement as needed, property restoration and all appurtenances for a complete job in accordance with the Contract Documents. 235 East Second Street has been declared unsafe to enter to complete the asbestos testing. The Engineer’s Certified Asbestos Inspector will be onsite during the demolition process. The building materials must be kept adequately wet at all times, starting with the demolition process, through site cleanup, transport and final disposal. "Adequately wet" means sufficiently wet to prevent the release of particulates and there are no visible emissions observed from any asbestos-containing material. If visible emissions are observed, the demolition must cease, and additional wetting must be performed until no emissions are occurring. However, the absence of visible emissions is not sufficient evidence of being adequately wet. For a complete discussion of the structurally unsound and in danger of imminent collapse provisions under the Asbestos NESHAP, please refer to 40 C.F.R. §§ 61.141 and 61.145(a)(3), 61.145(c)(4) -(9). The remaining seven (7) structures will be asbestos abated, if outlined in the Bid Form, and taken to an approved dump site. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, negotiable U. S. Government Bonds (at par value) or approved Bid Bond in the amount of 10 percent of the total Bid Price, payable to the Borough of Berwick, as a guarantee that the Bidder, if its Bid is accepted, shall promptly obtain the required Bonds and Insurance and shall prepare the required submittal documents and execute the Agreement. All Bids shall remain irrevocable for a period of 60 calendar days from the date of Bid opening, or as allowed by law. Bids may be held by the Borough of Berwick for up to 60 days from the date of opening for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of bidders prior to awarding the contract. Bids shall be submitted upon forms furnished by the Borough of Berwick. A full set of Contract Documents is available for inspection without charge at the office of the Engineer, Peters Consultants, Inc., 2701 Columbia Boulevard, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 or at the Borough of Berwick, 1800 North Market Street, Berwick, PA 18603. A full set of Contract Documents can be picked up at the office of the Engineer for $60.00 or a PDF can be emailed at no cost. This project has been financed with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The Borough of Berwick is utilizing federal funds for this project, and has adopted a Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) plan in accordance with Executive Orders 11625, 12138 and 12432. As such, the bidders/offerors must submit documentary evidence of minority and women business enterprises who have been contacted and to whom commitments have been made. Documentation of such solicitations and commitments shall be submitted with the Bid. Moreover, the Contractor shall strive to meet the MBE goal of 5% and the WBE goal of 3% for contracts of $25,000 or more. In addition to the Equal Employment requirements of Executive Order 11246 regarding discrimination, the Contractor must also establish a 6.9% goal for female participation and a 1.0% goal for minority participation in his aggregate onsite construction workforce for Contracts in excess of $10,000. MBE/WBE business concerns shall be afforded full opportunity to Bid without discrimination. The Borough of Berwick reserves the right to award to the most responsible Bidder and reject any part of, and/or all Bids as it may best serve the interest of the Owner. The Borough of Berwick reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any irregularities, and to negotiate contract amounts. Prevailing Wage Rates are required to be paid per State and Federal Regulations.