52nd Street Streetscape Plan

The Enterprise Center hired a consultant team, led by local consultant JVM Studio, to analyze the 52nd commercial corridor streetscape (from Arch Street to Pine Street) and recommend improvements to make this stretch of 52nd Street safer, easier to use, and a more vibrant space to shop and do business. This project is just one component of The Enterprise Center’s larger efforts to revitalize 52nd Street, in collaboration with businesses, residents, city agencies, and other key stakeholders. The Enterprise Center greatly values stakeholder input in all of its community development work in West Philadelphia.
Please click here for a comprehensive presentation given at a community meeting at Blackwell Regional Library on Tuesday, February 11, 2020. It shows background information and historical context, findings based on professional analysis and initial community feedback, and initial design concepts based on that feedback and analysis. All designs are preliminary, and The Enterprise Center and JVM Studio are currently seeking feedback to help tweak the design concepts and prioritize final recommendations going forward.
No recommendations are finalized or funded as of now. After this planning process is concluded, the next steps will include using the final recommendations to seek funding support for implementation.