277 South 52nd Street

As part of our larger, comprehensive Main Street revitalization plan, The Enterprise Center has begun to invest in 52nd Street in an effort to achieve multiple goals.
• Eliminate blight and vacancy
• Establish a stronger physical presence for our team to better support corridor small businesses and nearby community members
• Diversify the business mix by attracting new tenants to retail spaces
• Role model community-oriented, mixed-use redevelopment to inspire like-minded investing
One of our first projects on 52nd Street will be 277 S 52nd Street. The new building that replaces the existing long-vacant dilapidated building will serve as a pilot for a new model of redevelopment. Since the existing structure at 277 S 52nd Street was unfortunately unsalvageable, this project involved the demolition of the old building and construction of a new, three-story building designed to fit in with the existing buildings on 52nd Street. The upper two floors will contain three apartments, and the first floor will be the future home of The Enterprise Center’s community resource hub satellite office.
In partnership with the City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce and LF Driscoll, a regional construction management firm, The Enterprise Center has utilized 100% Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) contractors for all facets of the project, with an emphasis on hiring contractors and workers from the immediate 19139 and 19143 zip codes in particular. Small MBE contractors selected for the project have received not only contract work but also mentorship to help them grow their businesses and pursue more and larger contracts over time.
The Enterprise Center anticipates that construction will be completed in the spring of 2023, and we look forward to welcoming our community to our new community resource hub!