Want to start a business in Philly? Make sure you know the rules.

Media Outlet
Gene Marks
There’s no shortage of advice from experts and entrepreneurs to help you start up a business. Have a business plan, they say. Make sure you’ve accumulated enough capital. Put together a team of advisers. Watch your overhead. Be prepared to spend a lot of time.
All of that advice is true. But what if you’re starting up a business in Philadelphia? Is there anything additional you should know? The answer is yes, quite a few things.
There are a number of nonprofit organizations such as Philly VIP, SCORE, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, the Women’s Opportunity Resource Center, and the Enterprise Center that can provide assistance. The Free Library of Philadelphia also runs workshops on starting businesses in the city.
Before you start a business in Philadelphia, make sure you file all of the necessary paperwork! This article outlines several of the basic legal and tax requirements for businesses in Philadelphia and provides an overview of resources you can access at the start of your entrepreneurship journey.
Once your business is up and running, then be sure to engage with us for growth capital, Minority/Women/Disabled Business Enterprise Certification, commercial kitchen space, and assistance accessing contracts.