Waiver Valuation Request

Dear Real Estate Professionals,


The Town of Bloomsburg is still working on moving forward with the Miller Avenue project.  At this time the town has vacated Miller Avenue and is in need of waiver valuation reports to place a value on the three portions of that Avenue that have now reverted back to the property owners after vacating in order for the town to acquire them in compliance with federal URA regulations. We are confident the value of each piece does not exceed the $10,000 requirement to conduct a full appraisal. The boundary survey showing property lines is attached.


You can see on the attached condemnation plan, the red hatched area is what was vacated.  Cleve and Kathy Hummel now own to the center line of the hatched area between their property line; Ruth Kranig owns to the center line of the hatched area inside her property lines, and 36 East Main owns to the center line of the hatched area on the other side between their property lines. 


We are requesting a quote for your services to provide a waiver valuation report on these three pieces of the roadway that now belong to the property owners.  I am sure I did not provide all the information you need to adequately understand the request, so please reach out to me with questions.  I would appreciate your quote for this service by July 27.  Thank you.


Jamie Shrawder

Project Coordinator, Community Development Program


SEDA-Council of Governments

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